Ambrac and Fonto

Fonto Editor implementation and integration


Ambrac is an independent IT service provider, based in the Netherlands, focused on helping our customers digitize and disclose knowledge on the internet in any possible way.

We use modern technology and open-source standards to maintain and publish content. We specialize in XML and XML related standards, such as DITA, but we also have extensive XSLT and XSLT-FO knowledge. In addition, Ambrac has considerable experience in converting legacy data to XML to be used in your CMS and Fonto. 

Fonto and Ambrac

Having a long history of integrating various XML editors in Content Management Systems, we have comprehensive experience in not only integrating with CMSses, but also with third-party DAM systems, workflows and search engines.

For example, we have successfully integrated Fonto for a large educational publisher in the Netherlands in their Alfresco environment.

Fonto Integration

This video shows the Fonto integration with the third-party DAM system. We have built a workflow where users can upload preliminary images or sketches, and when updated in the DAM system, they can be updated in Fonto by just one click.


  • We are an independent integrator
  • We have extensive XSLT knowledge and can help you migrate your content

“At Ambrac, we believe that being an independent integrator provides freedom for the customer to keep using their own preferred platform and DAM system, or to choose their own next platform.”

Tina Kos, Ambrac

“Implementing modern technologies and open standards.”

Try Fonto For Free

We can spend a 1000 words on how intuitive Fonto is
but why don’t you find out for yourself!

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