We’re closing our productive year with the release of FontoXML 6.8.0 while keeping the 7.0.0 release “in the oven” just a bit longer. However that does not mean this release is without any noteworthy features itself, in fact it contains our first foray into a heavily requested feature.
We’ve added the ability to localize most user-facing text in a FontoXML instance. While we’ve always had the capability to override certain parts of an instance to change the user-facing text it has never been on this scale. Additionally it is no longer required to override an entire operation or UI component.
When upgrading or creating an instance a new messages-template.json file will be present in the downloaded ZIP file. By following the upgrade instructions you’ll be able to easily turn this file into a localization ready to be used by the instance. Do note that this feature does not yet fully cover all user-facing text. We will keep on improving the coverage in future releases.
Release Notes
Please refer to your implementation partner for further details on how to acquire release 6.8.0 for your instance of FontoXML. For more details on the 6.8.0 release you can read the release notes.