This release has two smaller but none the less exciting additions in the form of new APIs for the FontoXML Editor.
Our FontoXML Content Quality App release features some added compositors, filters, and annotators in addition to offering the possibility to register custom annotations.
FontoXML Editor 7.1.0
- Custom table model support
It is now possible to configure custom or previously unsupported table models for display and use within FontoXML. To help you get started quickly, we have fully updated and open-sourced our implementations for the XHTML, CALS and TEI table models. - Map-like documents support
This release streamlines our, now fully documented, API used to configure DITA map like structures. These can now be used to implement support for other map-like documents. Please refer to the corresponding API documentation for details. - And various bug fixes and improvements.
Please refer to your implementation partner for further details on how to acquire release 7.1.0 for your instance of FontoXML. For more details on everything mentioned above, other new features, improvements, and bug fixes you can read the release notes.
FontoXML Content Quality App 1.0.0
- Compositors, filters and annotators
Additional compositors, filters, and annotators have been added. - App configuration
It is now possible to configure the minimal logging level, hosting port and WebProxy. - Editor configuration
It is now possible to register custom annotations.
It is now possible to add operations to the sidebar details and context menu to solve or improve the content based on an annotation. - Custom annotations
It is now possible to register custom annotations.
Please refer to your implementation partner for further details on how to acquire release 1.0.0 for your instance of the FontoXML Content Quality App. For more details on everything mentioned above, other new features, improvements, and bug fixes you can read the release notes.
FontoXML Connectors App 2.1.0
- Fixed a bug in the FDT Connector module on Linux.
- Upon initalization of a new Connector project, a stub configuration file is now generated.
Please refer to your implementation partner for further details on how to acquire release 2.1.0 for your instance of the FontoXML Connectors App. For more details on everything mentioned above, other new features, improvements, and bug fixes you can read the release notes.