Martin Middel

Developer advocate / Evangelist. Has been with Fonto since it all began in 2013. He's currently designing the next steps in Fonto Developer APIs with the input of our valuable partners. In his spare time, Martin is an avid home brewer.

Fonto Why & How: How to chunk a single XML file like NISO-STS or JATS

In this weekly series, Martin describes a question raised by a Fonto developer, how it was resolved and why Fonto behaved like that in the first place. This week is a follow-up to an earlier blog post on dealing with large documents! How did we chunk megabytes of XML?! This post is a follow-up to

Fonto Why & How: How to chunk a single XML file like NISO-STS or JATS Read More »

Fonto Why & How: Why is my useXPath giving TypeScript errors!?

In this weekly series, Martin describes a question that was raised by a Fonto developer, how it was resolved and why Fonto behaved like that in the first place. This week, a partner is running into TypeScript errors when calling evaluateXPath and useXPath! A support issue came in from a partner who’s following the metadata

Fonto Why & How: Why is my useXPath giving TypeScript errors!? Read More »

Fonto Why & How: How do I do something asynchronous in a custom mutation!?

In this weekly series, Martin describes a question that was raised by a Fonto developer, how it was resolved and why Fonto behaved like that in the first place. This week, a partner would like to get some CMS data during a custom mutation! A support ticket came in that went a little like this:

Fonto Why & How: How do I do something asynchronous in a custom mutation!? Read More »

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