Martin Middel

Developer advocate / Evangelist. Has been with Fonto since it all began in 2013. He's currently designing the next steps in Fonto Developer APIs with the input of our valuable partners. In his spare time, Martin is an avid home brewer.

Fonto: Why & How: How do I generate IDs in a more predictable way?!

In this weekly series, Martin describes a question that was raised by a Fonto developer, how it was resolved and why Fonto behaves like that in the first place. This week, a support question came in inquiring how they could have more control in ID generation! As usual, support question! This one read like this: We

Fonto: Why & How: How do I generate IDs in a more predictable way?! Read More »

Fonto Why & How: Why is my operation on a locked document enabled?!

In this weekly series, Martin describes a question that was raised by a Fonto developer, how it was resolved and why Fonto behaved like that in the first place. This week, a partner sees enabled operations for a document they have no rights to edit! A support question came in: an author loaded a document

Fonto Why & How: Why is my operation on a locked document enabled?! Read More »

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